14 March 2011

De-Glob the Wad

I was told that rather than sit and fume at my computer over nonexistent problems created only by my tendency to overanalyze everything, I should write on my blog. And because this person usually gives really good advice, and she just left to take care of certain hygienic necessities, I decided to give it a go. That and I've seriously neglected blog-world as of late.

The issue is coming up with something worthwhile to ruminate over. Do you ever have those moments when your brain feels like a huge wad of chewed gum? Cause that's what I'm experiencing right now. Maybe it's brain rot, from not doing anything scholastic in the past year or so. It's like a giant lump of sticky, useless, disgusting grossness.

Sometimes I try to mentally de-glob the wad. I imagine the light of knowledge gathering in a ball in the middle of my brain, and I focus on that ball and cause it to grow bigger and bigger, until it is breaking through the gunk and shining out, like sunbeams behind a cloud. The idea is that eventually all the crust of disuse will break away and all that will be left is the sharp glint of knowledge beaming through.

It never gets there, though. Usually I end up getting distracted by Family Guy, or the dog, or my mom. And the glare of light dims until it's just a glimmer, and then *poof* it's gone--extinguished by lazy idleness. Ah well.

Something else that's been on my mind lately, is that people need to get over playing games in matters of the heart. Maybe it's just girls who do that, and then girls project that guys must be doing it too. But seriously, life would be so much simpler if we all just said what we meant. If I want to talk to someone, I should just do it, not worry about if it will make me look too forward or clingy. I shouldn't worry about what people will think.

Except that I have this issue with over-thinking things. So, I'm not very good at following my own advice. Boo. Oh well, that's part of who I am. So I suppose I should get used to it. :p

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Laura, and Happy Spring to you. I think that you and I are wired similarly, so I thought I'd mention that one of the best things I have discovered for over-thinking is meditation. For writers it has the rather paradoxical effect of helping to get beyond (or beneath) the words -- and then stirring their creative flow. Meditation can be really difficult, especially at the beginning, but gets easier and enjoyable with practice, and it REALLY helps to "de-glob the wad." ;-) There are many meditation forms, but you might enjoy looking into something called Centering Prayer, a Christian form that gets you to the quieter depths. (If you already know all this, forgive me.) Again, Happy Spring and happy writing. Love, Peg
